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Middle Ages History

Medieval Timeline: Today in Medieval History

On this date, February 10th, in medieval history: 1258 – The Mongols, led by Hülegü (the grandson of Genghis Khan), invade and capture Baghdad 1306 – Robert Bruce murders his political opponent, John Comyn

The Capetians

The Capetians, called the Robertinians in earlier generations, ruled medieval France from 987 to 1328. A powerful family in the West Frankish Kingdom, the Capetians were likely of Saxon origin, migrating from the Rhine-Meuse region some time in the early 8th century. For several generations the Robertinians, descendants of Count… Read More »The Capetians

DNA Testing and Medieval History: Uncovering the Origins of Ancient Manuscripts

Thousands of painstakingly handwritten books produced in medieval Europe still exist today, but scholars have long struggled with questions about when and where the majority of these works originated. Now a researcher from North Carolina State University is using modern advances in genetics to develop techniques that will shed light… Read More »DNA Testing and Medieval History: Uncovering the Origins of Ancient Manuscripts

Review of An Involuntary King: A Tale of Anglo Saxon England by Nan Hawthorne

An Involuntary King: A Tale of Anglo Saxon England by Nan Hawthorne Paperback: 648 pages Publisher: BookSurge Publishing (September 3, 2008) ISBN-10: 1419656694 An Involuntary King: A Tale of Anglo Saxon England by Nan Hawthorne is an historical fiction novel set in Anglo-Saxon medieval England that follows the fictional character… Read More »Review of An Involuntary King: A Tale of Anglo Saxon England by Nan Hawthorne