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Medieval History

The Disputed Crown

The year 1066 was a pivotal moment in English history, marked by the Norman Conquest of England. However, before William the Conqueror could claim the English crown, there was a dispute over who should rightfully hold it. The main contenders were Harold Godwinson, Earl of Wessex, and William, Duke of… Read More »The Disputed Crown

Bodiam Castle

Castle Gatehouses

The gatehouse was one of the most fortified areas of a castle. It was also one of the more vulnerable. For this reason, engineers designed them with extra protection to keep invaders from easily breaching the castle walls. Commonly, gatehouses consisted of a wooden gate reinforced with iron, as well… Read More »Castle Gatehouses

Editing old writing

After a long hiatus of not writing any new stories, I decided to go back and read Ravens Beneath the Ash today. I first wrote this short story over ten years ago. Life has kept me busy with other things the past few years but I thought I’d re-read some… Read More »Editing old writing

Codex Gigas

The Codex Gigas is one of the largest surviving medieval manuscripts in the world. Believed to have been created by Herman the Recluse in the Benedictine monastery of Podlazice in Bohemia, the collection contains the Vulgate Bible as well as additional historical documents written in Latin. The monastery was destroyed… Read More »Codex Gigas