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Medieval Term of the Day: Retinue

Retinue Pronunciation: [ret-n-oo, -yoo] Function: noun Etymology: Middle English retenue, from Anglo-French, from feminine of retenu, past participle of retenir to retain a) small troop of fighting men of all types raised on the estate of a knight b) body of persons “retained” in the service of a noble or royal personage

Medieval Term of the Day: Investiture

Investiture Pronunciation: [in-ves-ti-cher, -choor] Function: noun Etymology: Middle English, from Medieval Latin investitura, from investitus, past participle of investire The act of formally putting someone into an office or landholding; it was a major occasion of dispute in the eleventh and twelfth centuries when reformers opposed lay rulers who invested clergy… Read More »Medieval Term of the Day: Investiture

Medieval Term of the Day: Heriot

Heriot Pronunciation:  \hare-E-et\ Function: noun Etymology: Middle English, from Old English heregeatwe, plural, military equipment, from here army (akin to Old High German heri army) + geatwe equipment a) A payment which a feudal lord may claim from the possessions of a dead serf or other tenant, essentially a death… Read More »Medieval Term of the Day: Heriot