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Novel, chapter 3

I decided to go ahead and post chapter 3 of my novel. It’s under My Novel in the top navigation. I felt the first three chapters would give my readers a better sample of my characters and story. Feedback is always welcome. Also, when you’re submitting to agents, oftentimes he/she… Read More »Novel, chapter 3

Novel update

I’ve recently updated my website and migrated hosts, so I hope to start posting more content again regularly and working on shopping my novel again. The plan is to start submitting to literary agents again over the summer. In the past, these were some literary agencies I had looked at.… Read More »Novel update

Character Background

I’ve been working on editing the first three chapters of my novel and re-working my query letter and synopsis. I also thought I’d spend some time on my character backgrounds. I found this set of questions which addresses various aspects of your characters. As an exercise, I am planning to… Read More »Character Background

Novel Update

I just realized it’s been months since I last gave an update on my novel. I am still busily working on it. Over the summer, I received some nice feedback that helped me a lot in re-editing my first three chapters. I feel those are even better now. I also… Read More »Novel Update

My novel is complete

The novel is complete, finally. After seven revisions over a period of nine years, it’s finished. I have nothing left to edit. It’s in a final form ready to be sent off to agencies for representation. The next part in the process will be to polish the query letter I’ve… Read More »My novel is complete

Novel Update

I’m finally in the last stretch of completing my novel before sending queries out to agents. I should be totally done within the month of November. After that, I will start querying agents for representation. Below is a narrowed list of agencies and agents that accept both fantasy and historical… Read More »Novel Update

Novel Update

It’s been a while since I’ve provided an update on my novel. Unfortunately, I’ve had lots of other things going on, so I’m not as far along as I’d like to be. I’m still on track to start sending out queries before the end of the year, I just have… Read More »Novel Update