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Lloyd Alexander and Welsh Mythology

Lloyd Alexander was one of the first fantasy authors I can remember reading. Actually, the Prydain Cycle was the series that really got me hooked on the genre. I was in sixth grade and someone handed me The Book of Three (the first book in the series). I need to go back at some point and re-read the series. In the following article, “Welsh Mythological Underpinnings of Lloyd Alexander’s Prydain Cycle,” Jason Fisher discusses the currents of Welsh mythology that run beneath the Chronicles of Prydain. It’s an interesting article and a subject I did not understand or appreciate when I was younger.

I’ll leave everyone with a thought. What was the one novel or series that got you hooked on fantasy?

3 thoughts on “Lloyd Alexander and Welsh Mythology”

  1. The Prydain books are the earliest fantasy books I can remember reading. I still have four of the books in the series, which I bought through the Scholastic Book Service in the late 70s (book 1 is missing). I haven’t read them in a very long time but have hung on to them for decades.

  2. Bbailey, I think my copies are still somewhere at my parent’s house. I doubt I’d ever be able to find them again. My mom keeps everything; she’s a pack rat.

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